OnePlus India has confirmed the launch of its new smartphone in India on June 18 at 7 PM. In its official X post, OnePlus said, "There's a long binge brewing" and shared an of the smartphone with the text - "Your All-day Entertainment Companion", revealed on June 18. Although OnePlus India has not confirmed the smartphone's name, Mukul Sharma (@stufflistings), a trusted leaker on X, said, "OnePlus Nord CE4 Lite 5G coming up on June 18th". He also said that the upcoming Nord CE4 Lite 5G could be launched with 8GB RAM and 128GB internal storage. Further, the post said that the OnePlus Nord CE4 Lite 5G might also feature a Blue option called "Mega Blue". A report also confirmed the launch of this smartphone in India with features like Snapdragon 6 Gen 1, a 6.67-inch AMOLED display with 120Hz refresh rate and a 50MP primary camera. OnePlus Nord CE4 Lite 5G price in India is expected to be around Rs 20,000. More details will likely be revealed soon by the Chinese smartphone maker. Apple Vision Pro Now Available in China for Pre-Order, Sale Begins on June 18; Check Details.

OnePlus To Launch New Smartphone on June 18: 

OnePlus Nord CE4 Lite 5G Launch Date in India Revealed: 

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