Motorola has shared a post confirming the launch of its upcoming smartphone, Motorola Edge 50 Pro, soon in India. Earlier, the company only teased an upcoming smartphone without mentioning the model; however, some reports hinted that it was the Moto Edge 50 Pro. According to a report by ABP Live, Motorola Edge 50 might be launched on April 3, 2024, with a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 flagship processor, 12GB RAM and a 50MP camera. The report also said it could have a 13mm wide-angle lens and a 73mm telephoto lens. Further, it said that the device could have a 4,500mAh battery and 125W wired and 50W wireless charging support. Regarding display, the report said it could offer a a 6.7-inch panel with a a 165Hz refresh rate. OnePlus Ace 3V Launch Confirmed for March 21 in China; Check Expected Price, Specifications and Features of Upcoming OnePlus Smartphone.

Motorola Edge 50 Pro Coming Soon in India:


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