Lava Mobiles has teased the launch of its upcoming smartphone in India, Lava Yuva 4, hinting at feature-packed device. The company shared an image of the smartphone saying. "Total Dhamaka, Loading Soon... " The device will be the successor of the budget smartphone Lava Yuva 3 and offer better specifications and features in the segment. While the company only shared silhouette-like images without revealing the design, more details and the launch date will be announced soon. Nubia Z70 Ultra Launched in Global Market With Snapdragon 8 Elite and Under-Display Camera Technology; Check Prices of Each Variant, Specifications and Features.
Lava Hints Launching at New Budget-Smartphone - Lava Yuva 4 in India
Let'S PARK the toys back in the boxes kyunki asli game ab start hoga! 💥#Yuva4 - Launching soon.#LavaMobiles #ProudlyIndian
— Lava Mobiles (@LavaMobile) November 27, 2024
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