Lava Mobiles has been teasing the launch of its new smartphone in India soon. So far, the company has only hinted at the device with one word, 'curve'. According to the reports, the smartphone will likely be called Lava Blaze Curve 5G and could launch in March 2024. As per the reports, the rumoured Lava Blaze Curve 5G may launch with a 64-megapixel primary camera, a 5,000mAh battery and a 120Hz refresh rate display. Lava Mobiles has already launched smartphones in its Blaze series like Lava Blaze 2, Lava Blaze Pro 5G, Lava Blaze 2 5G and Lava Blaze 2 Pro. The reports said the expected Blaze Curve device could launch around Rs 20,000. OPPO F25 Pro With MediaTek Dimensity 7050 Processor To Launch on February 29; Know Expected Price, Specifications and Features Ahead of Launch.
Lava Mobiles 'Curve' Smartphone Coming Soon:
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