Lava Mobiles to launch its latest smartphone, the AGNI 3, in India on October 4. The Lava AGNI 3 showcases a curved edge design. As per multiple reports, the AGNI 3 might feature a 6.78-inch Full HD+ display. The smartphone is expected to be powered by MediaTek’s Dimensity 7300 processor and will likely run on Android 14. The AGNI 3 is also rumoured to include a unique secondary display on the rear panel. The smartphone is likely to be priced at around INR 25,000 In India. Samsung Galaxy S24 FE With Exynos 2400e SoC, 50MP Camera Launched in India; Check Price, Offers, Features & Specifications.
Lava AGNI 3 To Launch in India on October 4
AGNI 3: Launching on Oct 4th at 12 PM. 🚀 Get ready to #BurnTheRules#AGNI3ComingSoon #ProudlyIndian
— Lava Mobiles (@LavaMobile) September 29, 2024
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