iQOO 13, powered by the latest Snapdragon 8 Elite, is set to launch in India on December 3, 2024. However, people interested in using this device can get it early in Chennai and Bengaluru. The iQOO 13 will be introduced in these cities on November 24, 2024 (Sunday) in Sneak Peek session. Interested people will have to register to attend the event. The Chinese smartphone maker iQOO said that the users must provide their names, ages, emails, gender and other details on the provided iQOO 13 Sneap Peek registration page. iQOO 13 was launched in China on October 31, 2024. iQOO 13 Launched in China Featuring Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC; Check Specifications, Features, Prices of All Variants and Expected Launch Date in India.

iQOO 13 Sneak Peek Session on November 24, 2024 in Chennai and Bengaluru

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