Infinix Note 40 Pro 5G series is set to launch on April 12, 2024, in India with a 10-bit AMOLED display with 120Hz refresh rate and ultra-narrow bezels, 5,000mAh battery with 20W fast-charging support and three sleek colour options - Vintage Green, Titan Gold and Obsidian Black. Infinix India also confirmed the Infinix Note 40 Pro 5G Early Bird Offers and Pre-Order date to be April 12. The company said to give MagKit worth Rs 4,999, which will include Rs 1,000 MagCase durable and style mobile case and Rs 3,999 worth MagPower power bank. Infinix also said its new device will come with India's First Dedicated Power Management Chip called "Infinix X1 Cheetah Chip". The Note 40 Pro 5G will pack a 108MP OIS camera and 32MP selfie camera and will feature a MediaTek Dimensity 7020 processor. Realme GT 6 Neo SE Launch Date Confirmed, Will Debut in China on April 11 With Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 SoC; Know Expected Specifications and Features of Upcoming Realme Smartphone.

Infinix Note 40 Pro 5G Series Pre-Order Starts from April 12, 2024 (Source: X, @InfinixIndia, Header_Photo) Image

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