Google India has announced that the Google Pixel 8 will be available for a limited time only. Google Pixel 8 Mint variant was introduced in India with 128GB ROM, 8GB RAM, a 6.2-inch full HD+ display, a 50MP+12MP dual camera set up on the back, and a 10.5MP front camera. The device packs a 4,575mAh battery and Tensor G3 processor. The company announced the new Pixel 8 Mint variant on X, saying, "The #Pixel8 is now available in Mint for a limited time only!". Google India shared an image of its Google Pixel 8 and a Flipkart link for purchase at Rs 75,999. Google Pixel 8, Google Pixel 8 Pro Scheduled To Launch Today With New ‘Minty Fresh’ Colour Options; Check More Details.

Google Pixel 8 Now Available for Purchase in 'Mint' Colour: 

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