Elon Musk's X is reportedly working on new features to identify the accounts. Recently, the platform rolled out the "Parody Account" feature to identify the profiles that impersonated others. According to a post by a user (@swak_12), X will introduce two more categories - A fan account and a Commentary account. These two categories would help identify different accounts quickly and interact with them. The Elon Musk-owned xAI also released a new Grok feature called "Enhance your post" for web users, which allows them to help correct grammar, proofread and even shorten the posts before publishing. Elon Musk’s xAI Launches Grok AI Chatbot App for iPhone Users.
Elon Musk's X Working on Two More Categories After Rolling Out 'Parody Accounts'
Apart from the "Parody account" label there are gonna be 2 more categories :
• Fan account
• Commentary account
{ Screenshot from 10.76.0-beta.1 } https://t.co/T9iSMRcokV pic.twitter.com/oVdr2E9z61
— Swak (@swak_12) January 11, 2025
xAI Rolled Out 'Enhance Your Post' Feature for Posts
BREAKING: Grok can now refine your posts. It can correct grammar, proofread, and even shorten your posts.
To enhance your post, simply click the xAI button and select “Enhance your post” (Web) pic.twitter.com/guwsCnxhx6
— DogeDesigner (@cb_doge) January 12, 2025
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