Elon Musk, the owner of social media platform X (previously Twitter), announced on Friday, February 9, his intention to rely solely on the social media platform for audio, video communications and messaging. Elon Musk posted "In the coming months, I'll be phasing out my existing phone number and transitioning to exclusively utilize X for texting and facilitating voice or video conversations." As per reports, last year, the social media platform initiated a beta launch of video and audio calls for a group of users. Elon Musk has since been advocating of transforming X into a multifunctional app for video and voice calls. X New Features: Elon Musk’s Platform Now Allows Users To Get 'Detailed Video Analytics', Hints at Upcoming Features Like 'Start Spaces' and New 'Monetisation Menu'.

Elon Musk To Use X Platform Over Phone Number

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