Apple has launched a new Macbook with a 15.3-inch display. An M2 chipset powers it and comes in four colour options - midnight, starlight, space grey, and silver. It gets a large 15.3-inch Liquid Retina display with 500 nits of brightness, an all-new six-speaker sound system with Spatial Audio, and up to 18 hours of battery life. In India, the new 15-inch MacBook Air has a starting price of Rs 1,34,900. On the other hand, the Mac Studio will be available at a starting price of Rs. 2,09,900. The updated Mac Studio comes with M2 Max and M2 Ultra chips. iOS 17: NameDrop, Live Voicemail and Autocorrect Key Board, Apple Offering a Host of Updates for iPhones.
Apple MacBook Air, Mac Studio Launched:
Apple introduces the 15" MacBook Air #WWDC23
— Apple Hub (@theapplehub) June 5, 2023
The new Mac Pro #WWDC23
— Apple Hub (@theapplehub) June 5, 2023
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