Former Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh shared a special birthday video on his mother Shabnam Singh's birthday. The caption read, "Happy birthday to the OG mother thank you for the life lessons and for always handling all my “silly points” with patience and grace love you loads don’t finish all that cake by yourself." Yuvraj's mother has been the pillar of his son and has always held his hand through his tough time. Yuvraj Singh Shares Special Video Message for ‘Nawab Sahab’ Virender Sehwag on His 47th Birthday (See Post).
Yuvraj Singh's Special Birthday Video for His Mother
Happy birthday to the OG mother 👩 thank you for the life lessons and for always handling all my “silly points” with patience and grace ❤️ love you loads 🤗 don’t finish all that cake by yourself 🤪 #ShabnamSingh
— Yuvraj Singh (@YUVSTRONG12) October 27, 2024
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