Virat Kohli was spotted performing the 'Naagin Dance' pose with his hands during the IND vs BAN 1st Test 2024 in Chennai. In a video which has gone viral, the Indian national cricket team star was seen making the 'snake' pose with his hands during fielding. The 'Naagin Dance' is a very popular celebration in the Bangladesh national cricket team camp after it was performed by Nazmul Islam Apu back in 2018 during a T20 against Sri Lanka. There have been several instances of this celebration being performed by the Bangladesh cricket team. Was Virat Kohli Out or Not Out? Star Batsman Does Not Opt for DRS After Being Trapped LBW by Mehidy Hasan Miraz During IND vs BAN 1st Test 2024, UltraEdge Shows Spike.
Virat Kohli Performs 'Naagin Dance' Pose During IND vs BAN 1st Test
That Reaction 😂🐍#ViratKohli | #IndvsBan
— 𝙒𝙧𝙤𝙜𝙣🥂 (@wrognxvirat) September 21, 2024
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