Virat Kohli opted out of the India vs England five-match Test series to stay beside his wife Anushka Sharma, as the power couple became parents for the second time with their son Akaay Kohli on February 15. Kohli is still in London, spending time with his newborn and family. He was reportedly spotted in the streets of London after the birth of Akaay in a picture that surfaced in social media. Fans were thrilled to see him and made the picture viral on social media. A viral video also showed the places Virat and Anushka Sharma visited during their stay in London including the shop for baby clothes and cafe to spend some quality time. Virat Kohli Lauds ‘Young’ Team India After Rohit Sharma and Co Beat England in 4th Test, Clinch Series Victory.

Virat Kohli in London

Places Where Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma Reportedly Spotted in London After Birth of Son Akaay

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