The Chennai Super Kings vs Sunrisers Hyderabad match in IPL 2024 witnessed several viral moments on April 28. One of those included MS Dhoni who walked out to a deafening applause from the Chepauk crowd. And he did not disappoint the fans either, by hitting the first ball he faced for a four. His wife Sakshi Singh Rawat was present in the stands and she clapped and cheered loudly as the ball went into the fence after Abhishek Sharma failed to hold on to it. A reaction Sunrisers Hyderabad co-owner Kavya Maran went viral when she was seen expressing her disappointment at a missed run-out chance. CSK beat SRH by 78 runs, handing Pat Cummins and co their second loss on the trot. Chennai Super Kings Beat Sunrisers Hyderabad by 78 Runs in IPL 2024; Ruturaj Gaikwad, Bowlers, Help CSK Register Fifth Win of Season.

MS Dhoni's Electrifying Entry

Dhoni's Wife Sakshi's Reaction to His First-Ball Four

Kavya Maran Disappointed With SRH's Fielding

MS Dhoni Writhes in Pain

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