Abhinav Bindra took to social media to share his words of advice for the Indian cricket team as they geared up to face New Zealand in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 semifinals. The 2008 Olympic gold medallist shared a note on Twitter, now rebranded as 'X' where he shared some tips to handle pressure. "As the boys in blue gear up for the semi-final, here's my two cents on handling pressure - though not that they need any lessons on pressure, given their amazing performances so far...Crisis? That's just another word for 'I'm about to make history'. So when the going gets tough, the tough don’t just get going, they dig deep and build a skyscraper right there," a part of Bindra's message read. IND vs NZ in World Cup Semifinal Again! Fans Recall 2019 Heartbreak As India Face New Zealand in CWC 2023 Semis on November 15.

Abhinav Bindra's Message for Team India Ahead of CWC 2023 Semis

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