Shoaib Akhtar and Harbhajan Singh caught up with Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of ILT20 2025 on Saturday, January 11. The former Pakistan national cricket team pacer, who was among the many popular names to grace the event, shared a video of his and Harbhajan Singh's interaction with the actor at the event. The former pacer, also fondly known as the 'Rawalpindi Express' by fans for his sheer pace, shared a picture of his interaction with the Kabir Singh star and wrote, "Keep doing wonders like you did in Kabir Singh." SA20 Commissioner Graeme Smith Criticises UAE’s ILT20, Says ‘Such Leagues Are Not Good as There’s No Investment Back Into Local Cricket’.

Shoaib Akhtar, Harbhajan Singh Meet Shahid Kapoor


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Shoaib Akhtar Shares Pic With Shahid Kapoor

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