Shikhar Dhawan announced retirement from all formats of cricket and might not play in the IPL 2025 also. The star batter recently posted a video on ‘X’ confirming his decision. He said, “I Always wanted to play for India and I got to do that and I am thankful for it” Thanking his family, coaches, friends, and India National Cricket team he added that one has to let go somethings to move forward and announced his retirement from domestic and international cricket. Dhawan last played for India in 2022 while he last represented Punjab Kings (Formerly known as Kings XI Punjab) in the IPL (Indian Premier League). Check out the complete video shared by Shikhar Dhawan below. Shikhar Dhawan Pens Down Special Farewell Note For Dinesh Karthik As the Latter Retires From IPL (See Post)

Shikhar Dhawan Announces Retirement on ‘X’

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