Shah Rukh Khan gave a warm hug to Gautam Gambhir as the two met during Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's wedding celebrations in Mumbai. In a video which has gone viral on social media, Shah Rukh Khan and Gautam Gambhir were seen embracing each other in what potentially was the two's first interaction since the latter was appointed as Indian cricket team head coach. Gambhir had earlier mentored SRK's Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) to the IPL 2024 title. The former cricketer was subsequently named head coach of Team India with Rahul Dravid vacating the role. From Zaheer Khan to Abhishek Nayar, All The Rumoured Names Who Could be Part of New Team India Head Coach Gautam Gambhir’s Support Staff.

Shah Rukh Khan, Gautam Gambhir Share Warm Hug

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