Indian captain Rohit Sharma deleted his alleged edited posts from Instagram and X, in which he could be seen hiding his tummy. Rohit shared a post on his official Instagram handle a couple of days ago from the practice sessions ahead of the IND vs SL ODI series. The same post were shared by BCCI on their official Twitter and Instagram handles, however, there was a slight difference between the two posts as per fans on the social media. In Rohit's posts, the fans claimed he had edited his tummy portion to look slim whereas, BCCI's post looked to be real. However, despite being so much trolling about his fitness, Rohit Sharma is currently one of the best batsmen of modern-day cricket and is still at his best. Fans Claim Rohit Sharma Posted Photoshopped Pic to Hide His Tummy, Compare it to Same Photo Shared by BCCI.
Rohit Sharma's Instagram Post History
Rohit Sharma's X Post History
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