Indian women's team cricketer Pooja Vastrakar has issued a clarification after posting a 'highly objectionable' Instagram story on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Earlier on March 29, Vastrakar's Insta story showed a story of a picture which had morphed pictures of the BJP leaders in a cricket jersey with 'Vasooli Titans' written on top. However, she deleted the Instagram story after posting it , but fans quickly noticed it as it went viral. Vastrakar later went on to clarify that this happened when her 'phone was not in her possession'. 'Vasooli Titans': Netizens Claim Indian Woman Cricketer Pooja Vastrakar Shared Congress' Meme Against BJP Over ED Raids on Instagram Story.
Pooja Vastrakar Issues Clarification Over Insta Story on PM Modi
Pooja Vastrakar apologizes via her Instagram for a political meme post shared from her account. #CricketTwitter
— Female Cricket (@imfemalecricket) March 29, 2024
Screenshot of Pooja Vastrakar's Instagram Story
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