Mahendra Singh Dhoni's wife Sakshi Singh Rawat and daughter Ziva were in attendance at the Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium as Sunrisers Hyderabad faced Chennai Super Kings on April 5. Pics of Sakshi and Ziva cheering from the stands have gone viral on social media. CSK skipper Ruturaj Gaikwad's wife, Utkarsha Pawar, was seated beside Sakshi. Dhoni, who had relinquished captaincy of the Chennai Super Kings earlier, rolled back the old times by scoring 37 runs off just 16 balls in his side's defeat to Delhi Capitals earlier this season. MS Dhoni Sings 'Bole jo Koyal' Song in This Latest Ad for Electric Cycle, Video Goes Viral.

MS Dhoni's Wife Sakshi, Daughter Ziva Watch SRH vs CSK IPL 2024

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