MS Dhoni penned a heartfelt wish for Radhika Merchant and Anant Ambani as the couple tied the knot in a gala ceremony on July 12. The former India and Chennai Super Kings (CSK) captain was among the long list of celebrities to attend the wedding ceremony and he shared his good wishes and blessings for the couple. In a post on Instagram, Dhoni shared a picture of him hugging Radhika Merchant and wrote, "Radhika, may your radiant smile never fade! Anant, please continue to cherish and care for Radhika with the same love and kindness you show to everyone around you. May your married life be filled with happiness, laughter, and adventure. Congratulations and see you guys soon." MS Dhoni Dances Alongside Ishan Kishan During Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant’s Wedding Function, Video Goes Viral.

MS Dhoni's Heartfelt Post for Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant


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