The BCCI announced the India women's cricket team squads for the upcoming home white-ball series against the West Indies women's cricket team on Friday. The women's selection committee has made a few changes after Women in Blue had a poor show against the Australia women's cricket team. Three uncapped cricketers, Nandini Kashyap, Raghvi Bist, and Pratika Rawal, received their maiden call-ups. Bist and Kashyap have been included in the T20I, whereas Rawal was picked in the ODI squad against the West Indies white-ball series. Harmanpreet Kaur will continue to lead the side in ODI and T20I series. India Women's Cricket Team Fined For Slow Over-Rate in Second ODI Against Australia.
India Women's Squads for White-Ball Series Against West Indies Announced
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India’s squad for IDFC First Bank T20I & ODI series against West Indies announced.
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