Rohit Sharma joins Mumbai Indians preparations for IPL 2024. Former MI captain shared solo pics on ‘X’ (Formerly known as Twitter). On the other hand, Hardik Pandya answered some of the questions of reporters in yesterday’s media session hinting at great relations with team members, especially with Rohit Sharma. Yet fans are not convinced about the same, as many reports hint at a possible rift amongst players following Rohit Shara’s removal as captain. Meanwhile, Suryakumar Yadav - who is yet to join the MI camp shared an Instagram story with a ‘heartbreak’ sign. Although he has not directly commented or posted anything along with the story – the timing of the post with the current situation at five-time IPL champions could be a worrisome sign for the MI fans. Mumbai Indians Star Rohit Sharma Sweats It Out in Nets Ahead of IPL 2024 (View Pics).
Instagram Story shared by Suryakumar Yadav
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