Sachin Tendulkar was all smiles as he attended the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha ceremony in Ayodhya while being seated beside Rajinikanth. Taking to social media, the Master Blaster, who was among the high-profile invitees to the grand event, shared a video that showed a helicopter sprinkling flower petals on the attendees at the ceremony and later, Tendulkar turns around the camera to show himself and the legendary actor enjoy the proceedings. The Ram Temple in Ayodhya was inaugurated today (January 22) with several big names from both cricket as well as Indian cinema present. Barring Sachin, Anil Kumble, Venkatesh Prasad, Mithali Raj and Ravindra Jadeja were among the cricket stars present at the event. Venkatesh Prasad, Anil Kumble React As They Reach Ram Mandir Complex to Attend Pran Pratishtha Ceremony in Ayodhya.

See Sachin Tendulkar's Post:

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