Chennai Super Kings' star player Ambati Rayudu celebrates his 36th birthday on September 23, Thursday. The franchise put out a beautiful video where prominent players including Dwayne Bravo, Sam Curran, Suresh Raina, Ravindra Jadeja, Faf du Plessis among the others, extended warm wishes to their sensational player Rayudu. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) also shared a special post for Rayudu and wished him a very happy birthday. Rayudu featured in CSK's match against Mumbai Indians for the second leg of IPL 2021 but suffered an arm injury by Adam Milne's delivery. He will next appear for CSK against Royal Challengers Bangalore on September 24.
CSK's Special Message for Ambati Rayudu on His Birthday
Super Fam's Wishes & #Yellove for Amba🔥 Rayudu! #SuperBirthday #WhistlePodu 🦁💛 @RayuduAmbati
— Chennai Super Kings - Mask P😷du Whistle P🥳du! (@ChennaiIPL) September 23, 2021
BCCI Shared Birthday Post for Rayudu
Here's wishing @RayuduAmbati a very happy birthday. 🎂 👏#TeamIndia
— BCCI (@BCCI) September 23, 2021
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