A video has gone viral on social media about Indian star batter Virat Kohli and his wife, Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma, gearing up for a 'Grih Pravesh' at their new home in Alibaug. The viral video showcased the preparations in full swing with people carrying essentials on a ferry. Recently, Virat and Anushka were spotted at the Gateway of India, making their way to Alibaug. The couple's new home has become a hot topic for quite some time now. In 2023, Virat Kohli purchased a 2,000 sq ft villa at Avas Living in Alibaug for a whopping price of INR 6 crore. The former India captain also paid INR 36 lakh for stamp duty. Virat Kohli, Anushka Sharma Spotted at Gateway of India (Watch Video).
Housewarming Ceremony Begins at Virat Kohli-Anushka Sharma's Alibaug Villa
Greh Pravesh Pooja for New Alibaugh Home 🏡 pic.twitter.com/1x80dSUGSY
— Virat Kohli Fan Club (@Trend_VKohli) January 15, 2025
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