A couple of fans breached security to meet Hardik Pandya during the Baroda vs Mumbai semifinal match in the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy 2024 at the M Chinnaswamy Stadium on Friday, December 13. In videos that have gone viral, the fans were seen running into the field to meet Hardik Pandya with the security officials chasing them. One of the two pitch invaders was seen hugging Hardik Pandya before the security officials caught hold of both of them and escorted them out of the ground. However, the star all-rounder made a gesture, likely asking the security to not use force on the pitch invaders and it drew a lot of cheers from the fans at the stadium. Fan Gets Hardik Pandya's Autograph Tattooed on His Arm, Video Goes Viral.

Fans Breach Security to Meet Hardik Pandya

Hardik Pandya's Gesture Draws Cheers From the Crowd

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