Fans called out a 'X' user on Thursday, after the user wished 'death' for Indian captain Rohit Sharma during the IND vs ENG 3rd Test 2024 at Rajkot. After a bouncer from Mark Wood hit Rohit Sharma on the helmet, the user shared a post in which he mentioned that he wished there was no protection of helmet and Rohit Sharma would join Phil Hughes. He added that it is a chance missed and better luck next time. When the post went viral on social media, he further added that Hughes, who died while after getting hit with a bouncer, went to heaven, while Rohit will not get a place even in hell. Astounded by the words used by the user, fans called the user out and slammed him on social media. Rohit Sharma Completes His 11th Test Century, Achieves Feat During IND vs ENG 3rd Test 2024 Clash.


'How Can Someone Be So Bad'


'I Am Sure He Will Give You A Deserved Place'

'What A Disgrace'

Fans Called Out the User


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