Actor Bobby Deol generated a lot of buzz on the internet as he revealed MS Dhoni's message to him on WhatsApp. The 'Animal' star took to 'X', formerly Twitter and shared a screenshot of a message he received from 'Dhoni bhai'. The message from the CSK captain read, "Bobby woh wali video delete kardena yarr.. it's very embarrassing." (Bobby please delete that video). The 55-year-old then went on to write, "Theek hai mahi bhai kardunga delete," (Alright Mahi bhai, will delete), while sharing the screenshot. The screenshot which Bobby shared went viral on social media and fans have dropped their reactions to it. However, some fans also noticed the '#ad' hashtag that the actor used, signalling at this to be a promotional post. Check some of them below. ‘The Heart Goes Hosanna!’, CSK Shares MS Dhoni’s New Look in Yellow Bandana During a Training Session Ahead of IPL 2024 (View Pic).

Bobby Deol Shares Screenshot of MS Dhoni's Message


'Which Brand Ad is This?'

'What is Happening?'

Fan Spotted the Hashtag

'Want to See It'


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