PV Sindhu got engaged to her fiancé Venkata Datta Sai. In an Instagram post, the star shuttler shared a picture from her engagement ceremony and used a Kahlil Gibran quote which read, "When love beckons to you, follow him, for love gives naught but itself.” The 29-year-old is set to tie the knot with the Hyderabad-based IT professional on December 22. She had also invited Sachin Tendulkar and Narendra Modi among others to her wedding ceremony. PV Sindhu had won the women's singles title at the Syed Modi International earlier this year. India Star Shuttler PV Sindhu Meets Prime Minister Narendra Modi With Soon To Be Husband Venkata Datta Sai.

PV Sindhu Gets Engaged to Venkata Datta Sai


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