Indian badminton star Srikanth Kidambi tied the knot with stylist Shravya Varma in Hyderabad on November 9 (Saturday), which was attended by a flurry of Tollywood stars to wish the couple on their auspicious day. Actresses Keerthy Suresh, Lavanya Tripathi, and Rasmika Mandanna were all in attendance. Also gracing the occasion were actor Vijay Deverakonda, and directors Nag Ashwin and Ram Gopal Varma. Kidambi, 31, is a Padma Shri and Arjuna Awardee, apart from being the first India to reach the World Champion Men's Final. PV Sindhu, Lakshya Sen Hope To Regain Form at Kumamoto Masters Japan 2024.

Shuttler Srikanth Kidambin Ties Knot With Shravya Varma


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