Lack of alertness by a drowsy driver led to an accident in Tamil Nadu's Vellore. As per reports, the driver rammed his car into a roadside eatery as he had dozed off during the course of his journey. The incident that occured on February 11 was caught on a CCTV camera installed in the shop, and has gone viral on social media. The two-minute, 17-second video shows Hyundai Grand i10 crashing into the roadside eatery, resulting in a collision. A woman standing next to the shop was flung into the air by the force of the impact. According to authorities, the driver identified as Karthik was from suffering sleep deprivation for two consecutive days that resulted in the accident. Accident Caught on Camera in Dharmapuri: Four Dead, Eight Injured After Multiple Vehicles Collide on Salem-Bengaluru National Highway in Tamil Nadu; Video Surfaces.
Accident Caught on Camera:
तमिलनाडु के वेल्लोर में ड्राइवर को आया नींद का झोंका, दुकान में जा घुसी कार।
इस दौरान दुकान में मौजूद एक महिला को गंभीर चोट आई है।
घटना CCTV कैमरे हुई कैद।#TamilNadu #viralvideo #viral #Accident #CarAccident
— The Hint News (@TheHintNews) February 15, 2024
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