A video of a saree-clad woman diving perfectly into a river in Tamil Nadu is going viral on social media. The 20-second video clip was shared by IAS officer Supriya Sahu on Twitter. The video shows an elderly woman wearing saree jumping into a river for a holy dip. Interestingly, the woman does the perfect dive into the Tamirabarni river at Kallidaikurichi in Tamil Nadu by donning a saree which seems next to impossible for others. "Awestruck to watch these sari clad senior women effortlessly diving in river," the IAS officer said. She also said that the women are apt at it as it is a regular affair for them. Kala Chashma Viral Dance Steps Performed by Groups of Saree-Clad Desi Women Are Both Hit and Miss, But Entertaining as Hell.

Elderly Woman Dives Into River

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