Recently, Telegram CEO and Co-Founder Pavel Durov made headlines when he claimed he had over 100 babies in 12 countries. Now, he is back in the spotlight after a Moscow-based clinic claimed that the CEO is offering free IVF treatment to women wanting to start a family and willing to use his sperm. The clinic, AltraVita, claims that this is a unique opportunity available only in their clinic. It adds that as the opportunity is one of a kind, there are limited slots. But the offer comes with a catch, as there are certain requirements for patients who wish to use the opportunity. Patients should be no more than 37 years of age and the health condition should be satisfactory. View the posts below. Pavel Durov Released on Bail: Telegram CEO Released From Police Custody on Bail Bond of USD 5.6 Million, Barred From Leaving France; Emmanuel Macron Says ‘Arrest Not Political’.
Moscow-Based Clinic AltraVita’s Claims
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