Two days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link (MTHL), also known as Atal Setu, pictures and videos of people violating traffic rules on the sea bridge have already come to light. Multiple pictures and videos going viral on X, formerly Twitter, show paan gutkha stains on India's longest sea bridge. And if that's not enough, those using the Atal Setu were also seen flouting traffic norms as they allegedly seemed to be on a picnic on the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link. A few videos shared by users showed travellers parking their cars on the sea bridge and posing for pictures with their family members and friends. "It's a picnic at #AtalSetu," a tweet read, while a second user said, "Money can buy cars, fuel and toll fees. Money can't buy common sense." Littering Issue at Atal Setu Begins! Viral Photo Shows Travellers Flout Rules by Stopping on India's Longest Sea Bridge to Click Pics.
Pan Gutkha Stains on MTHL
Spotted the First few Pan Gutkha Stains on #MTHL#AtalSetu#BoloZubanKesari
— मुंबई Matters™ (@mumbaimatterz) January 13, 2024
We Agree
It's a picnic at #AtalSetu
— Jayant UnKill (@jayantgajria) January 13, 2024
Money Can’t Buy Common Sense
Money can buy cars, fuel and toll fees.
Money can't buy common sense 😔#MTHL #AtalSetu
— Roads of Mumbai (@RoadsOfMumbai) January 13, 2024
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