In a bizarre incident that took place in Mumbai, a Jaguar car was stuck on a speed breaker in the city. Luckily, it was brought back to functioning after locals helped and pushed the vehicle off the road bump. A video of the incident has gone viral on social media. As per reports, the the luxury car Jaguar XJ model was on a speed breaker outside the Phoenix Marketcity in Kurla. The video was shared on Instagram by user Sid Sharma who shared the video with the caption, "Why dont we have proper roads in Financial Capital???" The video shows locals pushing the Jaguar car after it gets stuck on the speed breaker. As the video moves further, Sid says, "Perks of living in Mumbai - People just help you in any situation. Love you Mumbaikars." Mumbai Car Fire: BMW Engulfs in Blaze at Andheri’s Lokhandwala Circle (Watch Video).

Luxury Car Gets Stuck on Speed Breaker


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