The social media is currently abuzz with the challenging travel on the Indian Railways. Recently, a man named Rachit Jain shared a startling incident regarding his sister's experience travelling in a three-tier air-conditioned coach. Jain narrated how his sister was unable to enter the coach due to the overcrowding on the doors. Her toddler sadly got lost in the hubbub and was abandoned on the platform. Jain's sister sustained injuries when she jumped out of the speeding train in an agonising attempt to reunite with her child. Jain outlined the elements that contributed to the crisis getting worse, such as the dearth of basic facilities like hygienic restrooms and the unauthorised people jamming the train. He tagged Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw and demanded action, providing the train's PNR and coach number for verification. In response, Railway Seva asked for Jain's phone number in the comment section of the post. "Kindly specify if any medical assistance is required”, they added. Woman Shares Clip of Ticketless Passengers Crowding First AC Compartment of Train, Raises Security Concerns; Indian Railways Responds (Watch Video).

Woman Separates From Toddler While Boarding AC 3-Tier Coach 

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