In a bizarre incident that took place in Ulhasnagar, a biker and a pillion rider were seen indulging in a funny act where they were seen throwing water on themselves and bathing each other amid soaring temperatures in the city. The 25-second video clip shows the man and the woman taking a bath together on a bike in the middle of a road in Ulhasnagar. The video was shared by Twitter user WeDeserveBetterGovt who asked the Thane police and other officials to take action. "Is such nonsense allowed in name of entertainment? This happened on busy Ulhasnagar Sec-17 main signal. Request to take strict action lncluding deletion of social media contents to avoid others doing more nonsense in public," the post read. The video also shows the rider and pillion violating traffic rules as they go about with their act. Soon after the video went viral, the police said that the incident has been reported to Traffic Control Room, Thane for necessary action. Mumbai: Ugly Fight Breaks Out Between Two Groups at Dahisar Bar, Men Slap and Punch Each Other During Brawl (Watch Video).

Is Such Nonsense Allowed in Name of Entertainment?

Thane Police Assure Action

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