In a heartwarming incident that took place in Maharashtra's Pune, a father gifted his daughter a bullet bike on her wedding day. Pictures and videos of the bride riding the bullet have gone viral on social media. The incident is said to have taken place at Sanswadi in Shirur taluk of Pune. The 1-minute 22-second video clip which has now gone viral on social media also shows the bride making her to-be husband and groom sit on the bike as the two enter the wedding hall on the new two-wheeler. The incident took place during the marriage ceremony between two families identified as Shitole and Dhumal. Most Stylist or Most Ridiculous Bride-Groom Entry at a Wedding Reception? Video of Couple Flying and Landing on Bird Cage Goes Viral.
Father Gifts Daughter Bullet on Wedding Day
बापाने लेकीला बुलेट गिफ्ट केली, नवरीने नवऱ्याला बुलेटवर बसवून लग्नात केली एन्ट्री
पुण्याच्या शिरूर तालुक्यातील सणसवाडी येथे शितोळे आणि धुमाळ या दोन कुटुंबातील विवाह सोहळा चांगलाच चर्चेत आला आहे.#Marriage #ViralVideo #Bullet #MumbaiTak
— Mumbai Tak (@mumbaitak) May 10, 2023
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