With Tamil Nadu gearing up for the Lok Sabha Elections 2024, several candidates have used creative methods to stand out. Noor Mohammed, an independent candidate in Coimbatore, reached the nomination centre wearing a garland made of chillies and capsicums. A video of the same has surfaced on social media. Noor Mohammed has contested 29 times so far and canvassed votes in many creative ways. During the 2022 Tamil Nadu urban local body polls, he dressed up as a king carrying a broomstick to campaign for votes. Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Ajit Pawar's NCP Fields Sunil Tatkare from Raigad.
Noor Mohammed Arrives at Nomination Centre Wearing Garland Made of Chillies and Capsicums
#WATCH | Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu: Independent candidate from Coimbatore Constituency Noor Mohammed reached to file his nomination with a garland made of chillies and capsicums pic.twitter.com/tsGEwZw1a8
— ANI (@ANI) March 26, 2024
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