Shah Rukh Khan's latest movie Pathaan has taken the theatres in India by storm. The box office has erupted in the box office, and the cameo of 'Tiger' Salman Khan in the movie has added extra spice in the movie. Their bromance is celebrated amongst fans across the nation. Amidst this, La Liga Instagram uses Pathaan and Tiger's references (both are iconic characters from YRF's Spy Universe) to represent two veteran midfielders of Real Madrid and Barcelona, Luka Modric and Sergio Busquets. A frame of Shah Rukh and Salman's frame from the movie Pathaan was shared with Luka Modric and Sergio Busquets' face as well as the message 'King Modric and Busquets Bhaijaan keeping us entertained always' on it. The caption in the picture read 'La Liga Ke Pathaan aur Tiger!' Fans took a liking to the post immediately and as a result the post has went viral.
Check The Post
'La Liga Ke Pathaan aur Tiger!'
One of the most popular professional sports leagues globally @LaLiga posted this on their Instagram Account.#Pathaan has brought havoc worldwide. #ShahRukhKhan’s unimaginable Global Reach has introduced even #SalmanKhan who couldn't have achieved this in his lifetime.
— JUST A FAN. (@iamsrkfan_brk) February 11, 2023
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