Recently, videos of a woman named Kamalini Mahanta have gone viral on social media platforms. In a series of cringe-worthy Instagram reels, she is seen lying on a bed and asking men about the colour of their underwear. Her NSFW phrase ‘Kis colour ki chaddi pehne ho?’ quickly became popular and inspired many memes. Now, in a viral clip that is doing the rounds on social media, we see her meme video take over the crowd in Kolkata at a Christmas Eve party. The audience hilariously replies with the colour of their underwear to her viral NSFW phrase. Watch the viral video below. Move Over 'Kis Colour Ki Chaddi Pehne Ho' Girl From the Viral Meme, Here Is the OG 'Chaddi Gyaan' by Anil Kapoor (Watch Video).

‘Kis Colour Ki Chaddi Pehne Ho’ Meme Video Takes Over Kolkata Crowd


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