A viral video of Chhattisgarh SP releasing a dove as part of the Independence Day celebration in India will remind you of the iconic scene ‘go kabutar go’ from Panchayat 3. Videos often go viral for various reasons. Some videos go viral as they tend to be strange, bizarre, or unusual, while others tend to be hilarious and funny. The latest viral video doing the rounds on social media falls in the latter category. In the now viral video, we get to see an SP trying to fly a dove as part of the Indian Independence Day celebrations in Chhattisgarh. However, his dove falls down instead of flying. The moment was captured on camera and uploaded online. Ever since it was uploaded, it has gone viral. The moment was compared to a scene in an episode from the show Panchayat 3. In the scene from the show, a politician too tries to fly a pigeon, but it falls down instead of flying. Independence Day 2024: World Celebrates India’s 78th Independence Day With Cultural Fervour.

Dove Released by SP in Chhattisgarh

Scene From Panchayat 3

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