Multiple users on X, formerly Twitter, alleged that Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde ate mutton on the auspicious day of Ram Navami. The alleged claims came after a photo from a video of Eknath Shinde eating a meal with food blogger Kamiya Jani in Maharashtra's Umred went viral on social media. Several users slammed Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde for consuming meat on Ram Navami. However, it must be noted that the alleged claims are fake. The video's caption clearly stated that Kamiya Jani and Eknath Shinde ate veg saoji meal. "Local women of the village prepared a very special veg saoji meal for us and it was super delicious," the caption stated. Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde Visits Salman Khan’s Residence in Mumbai, Tells Media Persons ‘Salman Aur Uske Parivaar Ki Zimmedari Hamari Hai’ (Watch Video).

Eknath Shinde Consumed Mutton

Maharashtra CM Ate Mutton?

Is That True?

Enjoyed Veg Saoji Meal With Eknath Shinde

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