Payal Kapadia's acclaimed film, All We Imagine As Light, hit theatres across India on November 22, 2024. The film has brought global recognition to Indian cinema. After its success on the worldwide platforms, the anticipation for the film’s domestic release was high. The film featuring Kani Kusruti, Divya Prabha and Chhaya Kadam in the lead has been receiving praise from the audience. However, one scene from the movie is leaked online and going viral. The search engine platform is currently flooded with ‘Divya Prabha Original Video Link’ featuring the actress in love-making scenes from the movie. All We Imagine As Light made history by premiering at the 77th Cannes Film Festival and winning the prestigious Grand Prix Award. ‘All We Imagine As Light’ Movie Review: ‘Spirit of Mumbai’ Gets a Poignant Reality Check in Payal Kapadia’s Beautifully Haunting Film.
Watch Trailer of 'All We Imagine As Light'
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