In a bizarre incident, a woman in Delhi was taken aback after she found not one or two but eight cockroaches in her dosa. The alleged incident took place on March 7 in Delhi, when the woman diner visited the popular Madras Coffee House in Delhi's Connaught Place. In her post on Instagram, the woman diner said that she visited the Madras Coffee House with her friend and ordered two dosas. However, after eating a few bites, she noticed something odd and picked it up from her meal. "It was a cockroach. And soon there were EIGHT COCKROACHES, in ONE DOSA. It breaks my heart to recall what has happened," she said. The woman also said that she filed a complaint with the local police station. "I am not going to stay silent until an action has been taken. When asked for licenses by the police, he did not have any to show," she claimed. The woman also shared a video where the cockroaches can be seen in the dosa. Hygiene Scare: IndiGo Passenger Reveals Cockroaches in Food Section of New Airbus, Airline Responds After Video Goes Viral.
This Is a Gut-Wrenching Truth
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