In a rare and amusing incident at the India-Pakistan border, two deer were filmed locking horns through the fence, and the video quickly went viral. Captured by a Border Security Force (BSF) officer, the footage shows the deer engaging in a fierce battle, adding an unexpected twist to the border's usual scene. The playful face-off has captured the imagination of netizens, who are humorously dubbing it the "India vs Pakistan" match. Punjab: BSF Shoots Down Another China-Made Drone Near India-Pak Border in Gurdaspur.
Deer Duel at India-Pakistan Border
Kalesh b/w Pakistani hiran (deer)and Indian hiran (deer) ,video captured by BSF officer
— Ghar Ke Kalesh (@gharkekalesh) July 29, 2024
Deer Fight at Border Dubbed 'India vs Pakistan'
Kalesh b/w Pakistani hiran (deer)and Indian hiran (deer) ,video captured by BSF officer #indiavspakistan
— TrenDing FBD (@SHIVAMR45419885) July 29, 2024
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