Despite the alliance between Bharatiya Janata Party and Jayant Singh Chaudhary-led RLD, the ongoing conflict between the workers of both the parties seems to persist without resolution. A viral video has surfaced from Baghpat district in Uttar Pradesh, depicting alleged physical altercations between workers affiliated with RLD and BJP. The reported incident took place during a poll campaign meeting in Tilwada village. According to reports, the ruckus broke out between BJP and RLD workers for not chanting "Jai Modi, Jai Yogi" during the commencement of the meeting. The purported video from Tilwada village shows the supporters of both the parties beating each other up in the middle of the road during election campaign. Lok Sabha Elections 2024: RLD Releases Candidate List for LS Polls, UP Legislative Council Elections; Check Full List Here.

BJP-RLD Workers Fight Video:

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